Tuesday, December 21, 2010

38 Hours to 106

Chilling for the moment.... Zooted as ever..... So much support, so much pressure. They say you can only measure a man by his ability to perform when he's under pressure. First time I've honestly felt like everybody's behind me. My city's been showing the most love of course, and if you know anything about where I come from then you definitely know that showing love isn't a common thing. Shits actually hitting me for the first time, I'm about to be in front of millions lol.... WTF? .. lol... Not that I don't deserve it because I've definitely bust my ass to get to this point but it's just like damn, so many "what ifs" going through my head. I've had to been asked the question "Are you nervous" at least a million and twenty two times in the past month, and to finally answer that question, to an extent yes. I'm not at all nervous to perform, it's just the magnitude of the possibilities that may result from my performance. I've had to have watched 8 Mile 100 something times in my life but for the first time I actually feel the same way Em did. Ain't gone choke or throw up tho lol, don't trip. It's just crazy. I've got the opportunity to shine light on the city that I was born and raised in, a city that gets so much recognition for negative shit. This performance isn't about me, it's about any person that's ever been doubted time and time again reminding them that no matter your environment or situation that you can also do whatever you can think of. Never ever thought things would happen like this, least not this fast. Am I ready? Wednesday we'll see.. Sweet dreams to those that are growing closer to sleep, as for me, I'll be here. God Bless

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